Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Memory
Carl Franklin (Frank) Sanders
March 1, 1920 - September 26, 2000
My Dad
My dad loved me. I was "Daddy's Little Girl," his firstborn. I remember how he worked every day at Crane (NAD then) as an Electronics Technician. I remember when he would pick berries or get pawpaws over by the river, or cook rabbit or squirrel, or just fix breakfast once in a while. When I was very young he would buy these little pencil drawings from me for a nickel. He installed indoor plumbing in our house; he was quite a handyman. He was organized and smart, even though he did not have a high school diploma. He took a correspondence course to learn radio and TV repair, and he repaired them for not very much money, since he knew no one had much. He used to go to Bedford to get parts, and he carried this caddy around. He could also wire houses and inspect wiring. Those were ways of adding to his income. And he added rooms onto our house as the family grew larger.
He used to take us for rides on Sunday afternoons. And I remember one time that he took me to Queen's Clothing Store in Shoals to get a dress and shoes for a band concert. (The dress was coral and had tucks in front and a gathered skirt.) I also remember how he would transport me to church, and later to Bible college.
I remember when he "gave me away" at my wedding. He wouldn't take sides when John and I argued, and he probably had more empathy with John's physical difficulties than anyone I know. He spent time with our sons, and he thought they turned out well--he told me so!
Dad wasn't very demonstrative, but I remember that at some point in his later years, I started kissing him good-bye when I left, and later it became the expected thing. In his later years he accepted Christ and was baptized, and I remember the sermon at his funeral about the workers who worked different amounts of time but received the same reward. It will be a joy to see him again in eternity!
I know my Dad was always proud of all of us, his seven children; he sacrificed for us and gave us everything he could, and I know he often went in debt doing it! The person he was was shown in the things he did and the care with which he did them.
(Tribute and lots of photos on


Susan Warren said...

That was great, Brenda!

Patti said...

Good tribute to our Pappy Sanders. In deed it will be a joyous occasion when we see him again.