Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Run or Not To Run

To run or not to run--that is the question! I want to affect the future of this town. I care about what happens here. I want Crothersville to become what it can be--not necessarily what it was 50 or 60 years ago! I want this town to celebrate and enjoy its history and to anticipate and plan for its future. I'm willing to do my part, whatever that might be!

I am involved in several local organizations. I have a business, a gift shop, which I need to promote more. I believe such shops are important to Crothersville's future. I have spent most of my life here, and I hope to spend the rest of my life here. I truly believe that the PRESENT is shaped by the PAST and shapes the FUTURE. What I do now matters. The course our town has taken has affected its condition today. Its condition today affects our decisions and actions in the future.

I had a personal dream--to own and operate a gift shop called Aunt Samantha's.That dream was realized on June 2, 2007, when I opened the shop. But there was vision, planning, and action involved. In the same way dreams for our town can be realized--with vision, planning, and appropriate action. I wrote a blog, I Have a Dream, a couple of years ago concerning my dream (vision or hope) for Crothersville. The words expressing my dream came rather easily. But the planning and action are still needed.

I am (and intend to remain) involved in Crothersville's future. However, the question seems to me to be whether I personally should step forward to run for the Town Council, or whether I should leave that to others and just maintain my current involvement in local organizations and affairs. Can I accomplish more as an individual than I can as a member of the Town Council? Do I want the stigma of politics attached to my efforts? Or can my efforts be enhanced by political position? Will my motives, statements, and actions be analyzed and shredded? Can I endure criticism? Can I consider the ideas expressed by others as equal to my own and work as a member of a team, rather than as an individual? Am I willing to risk offending people? Will my unwillingness to "suck up" be a problem? Am I overestimating my own importance? I will definitely prayerfully consider these and other questions as I seek wisdom for this decision! I welcome comments.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Crothersville Town Players are back! We are preparing for a dinner theater on Friday/Saturday, November 12 & 13. The play is Ever Young, an old script about four women and their approaches to life and love. I'm having fun, and I certainly think the audience will have fun watching the production, as well! Tickets are $15 for dinner and the play, and they are available at my shop, Aunt Samantha's.
For a small town such as Crothersville, it is important that opportunities in the performing arts be encouraged for both participants and spectators. Crothersville High School is to be commended for the opportunities it provides for its students through such productions as Oklahoma! to be performed on October 15 & 16. Through the Crothersville Town Players such opportunities are extended to the entire community.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


For me, this song says it all!
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
"Man of Sorrows," what a name for the Son of God who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim! Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood;
Sealed my pardon with His blood; Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless, we; Spotless Lamb of God was He;
Full atonement, can it be? Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Lifted up was He to die, "It is finished," was His cry;
Now in Heav'n exalted high; Hallelujah! what a Savior!
When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Philip P. Bliss, Sing Joyfully (#283)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Happy birthday to our first son, John Eric Holzworth. You were the first, the one we practiced on. You amazed Darrell Crawford, babysitter Pauline's husband, with your early counting skills, and astounded Flavia Barnett, our minister's wife, with your reading ability. But as a teacher, I knew you were ready, so I encouraged you! (Well, I actually think you might say I pushed you!)
In spite of my efforts, you did your own thing as well!

I remember how proud we were of you, our first-born. I remember the photo of you standing behind the steering wheel of Red Reynolds' van. I remember when you took swimming lessons at Kurtz' pool. I remember when you bought a valentine for a special girl. I remember how you cried when our dog, Lucky, got hit and died. I remember your car wrecks, especially the one where you called me from Dudleytown. I remember your short but unwilling stint at IUS. I remember when you were in an apartment in Seymour and got sick. I remember when you moved to Massachusetts, the Christmas I flew out to visit you, and your visits back here. Those are just some of the memories I have.

I still think you would be a great talk show host! You can carry on a conversation with anybody and they feel very comfortable and honored. You have an easy, low-key manner with people. But I also know you have a depth of feeling that I haven't always recognized. And you are funny, with a subtle sense of humor. You get along great with children! You are loyal to your friends. You are thoughtful with cards and gifts. You have to like your job to stay with it. Those are some of the things I admire and appreciate about you. And of course you love your music.

Happy Birthday, John!
Love, Mom

(For photos see: )

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Such A Little Word

"If" is such a little word! But it does have such great implications. When looking at the past, "if" is usually used in the expression, "If only . . . ," indicating regret for what was or wasn't done, or did or didn't happen. I'm sure we all have our own ways of finishing that expression.

However, the word "if" also exists for the present--conditionally, that is. "If I do this, this will be the result." "If I do this, eventually this will happen." So for now "if" serves to keep our actions in check in order to avoid or experience certain consequences, both negative and positive.

Then there is "What if?" "What if . . . ?" may express our fears about the outcome of an anticipated course of action, but "What if . . .?" may also express the potential results of trying new approaches and actions, encouraging us to step boldly forward into the future.

So we see that the little word "if" may be used to show past regret, to ground us in the present, or to prevent us from or to spur us on to bigger and better things. However much we might wish we could, we can't change the past. Of course, we want to act honorably and responsibly now. But most importantly, we may think about the future with hope and determination to make it better, "if" we are willing to think and act in ways we have never tried before! That is true of individuals, groups, communities, states, and nations.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This space honors our second son, Jason Frederick, born on June 17, 1978. Dr. Blaisdell always said you were at the top of the growth chart, and you grew to be 6'4" tall. One of my favorite memories of you is as a little boy riding your bike on the sidewalk in your red Superman cape (made by Aunt Margaret), blue Superman pajamas, and red Superman underoos--making a complete Superman look!
I remember your pet bird, a "quaker" parrot, which I was afraid of because Nemo would attack me when I walked past his cage! I also remember your captivation with reptiles and amphibians--going to the Louisville Zoo, the Reptile Emporium at Nashville, and much later, convincing your Dad to take you to "Uncle Bill's," a store west of Indianapolis, after big John's appointments at I. U. Medical Center. I remember tarantulas, a frog, lizards of various kinds, and of course, snakes (plus numerous crickets, mice, and rats for food). Then, later, your passion became fitness and mountain biking. Today, I would say your passion is photography. All of the things which have intrigued you have become sources of income--snakes, bikes, and photography.
I am proud of you for your drive and determination! These qualities have made you a success in your undertakings. You worked at WalMart Distribution Center in Seymour for several years and took classes to receive an Associate's Degree in Technical Graphics (Purdue program). You went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, and later did bike camps. You have traveled throughout much of the U. S. You now live in Louisville and own your own home. (And you are an accomplished Scrabble player, beating the tar out of me most of the time.)
(For photos, see

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IN MEMORY OF MOM (APRIL 22, 1926 - JANUARY 10, 2005)

Today, April 22, would have been my mom's 83rd birthday! Mom died in 2005, and I remember when Jane (my sister) called to tell me. I wish the phone could ring now, and it would be Mom calling just to talk, the way she often did. That's one of the things I remember about her. I remember when we were little she used to tell us about a time when she worked in Indianapolis. She loved pretty clothes and pretty things. She used to narrate pretend fashion shows for me. I remember her love of reading, which she definitely passed on to all of us. I remember buying her a set of teddy bear salt and pepper shakers which are now in my kitchen instead of in the corner shelf in hers. I remember how mad she would get when my cat would drag dead mice onto her porch or steps. She threatened Muffy's life, but her bark was worse than her bite. I remember when she learned to drive. I remember when she wore a red dress to my sister, Julinda's wedding, and she danced, too. The red dress and the dancing were things she really wanted; dreams, perhaps, or rekindled memories. I also remember her wonderful meatloaf and fried chicken, better than any I've ever had.
She truly loved the beauty of her lilac bush and her forsythia bush. Even though Mom's circumstances were never as beautiful as she would have liked, she endured them anyway! I know that she really wanted each one of us, her seven children. I was not my mom's favorite child (she would have denied that she had any) but I know she loved me! She always rooted for the perceived underdog, who had her utmost sympathy, and she made excuses for people who got in trouble, whatever the reason, and felt sorry for them.

Like my dad, my mom was very smart, although she also did not finish high school. She liked to work crossword puzzles and play word games. She saved many things, tangible reminders of happy memories, experiences, and events. In her later years, Mom had some physical problems, but she kept on going. Her heart was always at the Methodist Church in Shoals, where Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert had always gone, although for a time she attended elsewhere.

So today, in this space, I remember my mom, Bessie Mae (Gilbert) Sanders, a smart, caring, sympathetic, and determined woman. I can only hope to be like that, too!