Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Run or Not To Run

To run or not to run--that is the question! I want to affect the future of this town. I care about what happens here. I want Crothersville to become what it can be--not necessarily what it was 50 or 60 years ago! I want this town to celebrate and enjoy its history and to anticipate and plan for its future. I'm willing to do my part, whatever that might be!

I am involved in several local organizations. I have a business, a gift shop, which I need to promote more. I believe such shops are important to Crothersville's future. I have spent most of my life here, and I hope to spend the rest of my life here. I truly believe that the PRESENT is shaped by the PAST and shapes the FUTURE. What I do now matters. The course our town has taken has affected its condition today. Its condition today affects our decisions and actions in the future.

I had a personal dream--to own and operate a gift shop called Aunt Samantha's.That dream was realized on June 2, 2007, when I opened the shop. But there was vision, planning, and action involved. In the same way dreams for our town can be realized--with vision, planning, and appropriate action. I wrote a blog, I Have a Dream, a couple of years ago concerning my dream (vision or hope) for Crothersville. The words expressing my dream came rather easily. But the planning and action are still needed.

I am (and intend to remain) involved in Crothersville's future. However, the question seems to me to be whether I personally should step forward to run for the Town Council, or whether I should leave that to others and just maintain my current involvement in local organizations and affairs. Can I accomplish more as an individual than I can as a member of the Town Council? Do I want the stigma of politics attached to my efforts? Or can my efforts be enhanced by political position? Will my motives, statements, and actions be analyzed and shredded? Can I endure criticism? Can I consider the ideas expressed by others as equal to my own and work as a member of a team, rather than as an individual? Am I willing to risk offending people? Will my unwillingness to "suck up" be a problem? Am I overestimating my own importance? I will definitely prayerfully consider these and other questions as I seek wisdom for this decision! I welcome comments.


Jane said...

My gut reaction is for you not to run - remain involved as a citizen, as you are doing now. But, you need to do what you think is best.

Tim said...

I agree with Jane. Sometimes a citizen can do more than a single elected official.

moongarden1971 said...

I feel you should go with your gut after much prayer. Whatever you and God decide will be the best decision for you, Brenda! =)