Thursday, July 9, 2009

Such A Little Word

"If" is such a little word! But it does have such great implications. When looking at the past, "if" is usually used in the expression, "If only . . . ," indicating regret for what was or wasn't done, or did or didn't happen. I'm sure we all have our own ways of finishing that expression.

However, the word "if" also exists for the present--conditionally, that is. "If I do this, this will be the result." "If I do this, eventually this will happen." So for now "if" serves to keep our actions in check in order to avoid or experience certain consequences, both negative and positive.

Then there is "What if?" "What if . . . ?" may express our fears about the outcome of an anticipated course of action, but "What if . . .?" may also express the potential results of trying new approaches and actions, encouraging us to step boldly forward into the future.

So we see that the little word "if" may be used to show past regret, to ground us in the present, or to prevent us from or to spur us on to bigger and better things. However much we might wish we could, we can't change the past. Of course, we want to act honorably and responsibly now. But most importantly, we may think about the future with hope and determination to make it better, "if" we are willing to think and act in ways we have never tried before! That is true of individuals, groups, communities, states, and nations.

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